September 25, 2020

Team Profile:
Who are Supercritical Stakeholders?

photo credit:
Ally McFarlane

We will provide key information and insight to the next generation of leaders so they can make informed decisions about investing in supercritical geothermal energy projects.

Stakeholder engagement is critical for achieving the purpose of GNG. Stakeholder feedback must inform research design, and results of the research should be communicated back to stakeholders who can help to actualise a supercritical future in New Zealand.

Geothermal: The Next Generation (GNG) research programme has four high-level grouping of stakeholders:

GNG Stakeholders
  • Potential Investors: These stakeholders seek to understand the potential value and relevance of the research, and the developing business case for future New Zealand supercritical energy developments.
  • Governance Pathway: These stakeholders are key to the optimal design of future planning and governance frameworks for the sustainable development of New Zealand’s supercritical energy resources.
  • Science Excellence: We want these stakeholders, both national and international, to value and utilise research outputs, and to develop enduring collaborations.
  • Community Awareness: These stakeholders, including the wider New Zealand public, require from us an enhanced understanding and awareness of NewZealand’s supercritical research and industry potential.

We are engaging and communicating with our stakeholders in a range of different ways.  We are gathering information and sharing it widely via our website, social media and the development of fact sheets, newsletters and other information packs. We will be working more closely, kanohi ki te kanohi, with organisations and individuals with direct interest in our research i.e. via workshops, lectures and meetings.

Through the course of this programme, we aim to deliver:

  • an inventory of New Zealand’s supercritical resource potential, assets and infrastructure
  • prioritised market value propositions for energy suppliers and high energy demand users
  • recommendations on the optimal way to regulate the use of supercritical resources
  • a suite of peer-reviewed journal papers, summary reports, and conference papers and presentations

If you are interested in being a part of this journey, please contact us.

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Business Case & Opportunity
Governance & Regulation


geothermal: the next generation (GNG)
supercritical strategy

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