October 15, 2020

Team Profile:
The Legend of Ngātoroirangi

photo credit:
Graeme Murray

Geothermal resources are imbedded in Māori whakapapa (genealogy). The kōrero (legend narrative) in the video below tells how geothermal resources came to be in New Zealand’s Central North Island.

While details can vary depending on the kaikōrero (speaker/storyteller), the legend of Ngātoroirangi explains how Te Hoata and Te Pupu are responsible for the geothermal areas that run in a direct line from White Island to Tongariro. The embers of Rūaumoko (god of earthquakes, volcanoes and seasons) and his energy are still active to this day.

To read more:

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Further Updates

March 23, 2022

Team Profile:

Rock Types and Fluid Circulations in an Active Submarine Volcano
Cécile Massiot & Sarah Milicich
March 2, 2022

Team Profile:

Mapping Fractures in Marlborough
Sarah Milicich & Cécile Massiot
February 16, 2022

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Experimental Studies of Supercritical Fluid-Rock Interactions
Peter Rendel