December 22, 2020

Team Profile:
Power Generation Scenarios for the Greater Waiotapu Geothermal System

Eylem Kaya

photo credit:
Eylem Kaya

Members of our GNG team co-authored a conference paper in the 2019 New Zealand Geothermal Workshop proceedings. Yes, last year! But you may have missed this paper, because back then our GNG website wasn’t up and running, so we had no way of sharing this with you.

Pauline, R., Kaya, P. 2019.  Modelling geothermal power generation from the Waiotapu – Waikite – Reporoa geothermal fields. Proceedings 41st New Zealand Geothermal Workshop 25-27 November 2019 Auckland, New Zealand.

The authors used a natural state numerical model developed by their team to investigate production and reinjection scenarios for possible power generation in the Reporoa geothermal field, while avoiding any induced changes in the surface thermal activity.

Reporoa is currently classified by the Waikato Regional Plan as a ‘research’ system — this means it is not designated for development nor protection, but rather more research is needed. This classification is due to unresolved questions about the hydrological links between Reporora geothermal system and protected systems, including Waiotapu and Waikite.

The assessment provided in the published research highlights the importance of understanding hydrological links between geothermal fields for sustainable utilisation of deep geothermal resources. Our research aims to provide valuable information to Māori Ahu Whenua Land Trusts, Incorporations and Runanga within the rohe of Ngāti Tahu – Ngāti Whaoa so that any potential opportunities can be considered, relationships formed and partnerships created based on their values and long-term goals. Members of our team use numerical models to provide scientific insights and technical guidance.

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numerical modelling
reservoir modelling
nz geothermal workshop (NZGW)

Further Updates

January 13, 2025

Team Profile:

Programme Summary: Modelling Research
January 10, 2025

Team Profile:

Programme Summary: Geophysics Research
January 8, 2025

Team Profile:

Programme Summary: Geology Research