February 9, 2023

Team Profile:
More Geothermal Submissions to RMA Reform

photo credit:
Bruce Mountain (GNS Science)

Members of our team have supported the development of the New Zealand Geothermal Association's recent submission to Parliament's Environment Committee, highlighting considerations for the bills from the geothermal perspective, including geothermal's role in decarbonising Aotearoa.

The New Zealand Government is in the process of reforming its Resource Management Act (RMA), with two bills intended to replace the Act: the Natural & Built Environment Bill (NBA) and the Spacial Planning Bill (SPB). Both of these bills are highly relevant to the geothermal industry, as we seek to utilise the geothermal resource whilst protecting it for future generations.

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Governance & Regulation



Further Updates

February 17, 2021

Team Profile:

Supercritical: What the NZ Geothermal Community Wants to Know
Melissa Climo
February 3, 2021

Team Profile:

Using Magnetics to Map Geothermal Resources
Jenny Barretto
January 29, 2021

Team Profile:

Learning from Iceland's Supercritical Experience
Hidda Thorsteinsson