A new report is available that identifies the likely high level resource consent requirements to establish a deep, superhot geothermal production operation in the Taupō Volcanic Zone.
Download the report: Consenting a Superhot Geothermal Development in the Taupō Volcanic Zone
This new report builds on the findings from a 2023 report (Planning and Regulatory Preparation for Six Kilometre Deep Geothermal Wells in the Taupō Volcanic Zone), which identified the regional and district consenting requirements associated with exploratory well site construction, well drilling and well testing activities.
Using the same four scenario sites as the 2023 study, this new report identifies likely resource consent requirements for production and the power station, including to:
While the current regulatory framework has not been designed with superhot geothermal technology in mind, overall it does not explicitly prevent superhot geothermal development subject to the appropriate management of actual or potential adverse effects.
However, this study found that planning policy and regulatory requirements do impose significant challenges for a party seeking to establish a new superhot geothermal power plant beyond the boundaries of currently mapped Development Geothermal Systems. Of the four ‘test’ sites, three will require a formal plan change to the relevant Regional Plan, to reclassify the geothermal system to a Development Geothermal System to enable production activities to occur. Download the consenting report for more information.
Need more? The material from this and previous studies acts as supporting material for the 2024 study and report: Regulatory considerations for the future of Superhot Geothermal Development in the Taupō Volcanic Zone.